Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council

Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston. LE7 7JA. Tel.: 0116 2367626

Email: tncparish@btconnect.com

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 20th September 2021 at 6.45pm in the Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston.

Present: Cllr Mark Charles (Chair) Cllr Matthew Green, Cllr Michael Jackson

Also Present: Clerk, Marianne Lane and 2 members of public


1. Apologies – To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons given. Apologies received from Cllr Cole, Cllr Graham & Cllr Hadji-Nickolau. Resolved to accept.

2. To receive any Declarations of Interest and requests for dispensations. Councillors are reminded that they must notify the monitoring officer of any changes to their Register of Members Interest. Cllr Green declared an interest in agenda item 13

3. To approve and sign minutes of Parish Council meeting held on August 16th 2021 Resolved to approve minutes as a true record.

Meeting closed at 7.46pm

4. Public Participation – The Council meeting will be adjourned at this point for a period not exceeding 15 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions on items listed on the agenda. Member of public enquired on agenda item 11 and also commented on the new website, although accessibility compliant, he found it difficult to navigate.

Meeting reconvened at 7.47pm

5. Parish Councillors Reports on meetings they have attended as Parish Council representatives. Cllrs Jackson and Green attended OS meeting at Sandham bridge.

6. Borough and County Councillor's reports if any. Cllr Mark Charles explained the Boundaries review was to level up amount of cllrs for number of residents in new ward boundaries. Charnwood Borough Council presented LCFC freedom of Borough.

7. Clerks Report including Speed Data Reports. Noted

8. Open Spaces Committee – update and and any recommendations. Following recommendations approved by Parish Council. 1) 1 meter wide strip on either side of footpath to be mown for easy passage of pedestrians. Beyond this vegetation including nettles allowed to grow without intervention. 2) Willow Tree in Mill Race pond to be removed to conserve water in pond. 3) Further mowing of Jubilee park outside regular mowing season (April - September)to go ahead depending on prevailing weather conditions.

9. To complete the National Highways and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey. Cllrs to complete this as residents of the parish.

10. To receive information on New Boundaries being proposed for council wards in the borough of Charnwood and consider sending any comments. Information Received and no comments from Parish Council.

11. Film Night – deferred from August 2021 meeting. Council resolved to resume Film Night potentially in November 2021. To be confirmed.

12. Tommy Figures – to consider date for installing Tommy figures in both villages for Remembrance Sunday and discuss best locations for the 2 figures. To consider purchase of poppy wreathe @ £20 for Remembrance Sunday and agree who to lay the wreathe. Cllr Green and Cllr Jackson to erect Tommy Figures on 31st October for one month at following locations: 1) Corner Anstey Lane/Leicester Rd on grass verge in Thurcaston. 2) Corner of Cropston Rd/Station Rd near commemorative planter in Cropston. Council to purchase poppy wreathe and Cllr Sylvia Cole will be laying it at the Church on Remembrance Sunday.

13. Request from Leicestershire and Rutland 4x4 Response (Charity) to use Memorial Hall once a month for meetings free of charge as they are a charity. Deferred as Cllr Green declared an interest making agenda item inquorate.


14. Financial

a) Receive receipts for August 2021 and authorise payments for September 2021(tabled on night) Received receipts and approved payments of £5377.26 for Parish Council and £455.16 for Memorial Hall.

b) Receive bank reconciliation. Received and Noted

c) Audit 2020/2021To receive 'Notice of conclusion of audit' and compliance with the closing of the 2020/2021 Audit. Received and Noted.

d) Consider renewing subscription to Rural Community Council membership @ £50 per year. Resolved to renew.

e) To consider purchase of poppy wreathe @ £20 for Remembrance Sunday and agree who to lay the wreathe on behalf of the Parish Council. This item dealt with in agenda item 12.

15. Planning – To also consider any planning applications since issuing the agenda.

P/21/1538/2 – Erection of single storey and two storey extension at side of house.

Bybrook Hall, Leicester Lane, Swithland. LE12 8TD. No comment.