
Charnwood Borough Council Media Release – Free Litter Picking Packs

Friday March 25, 2022
For immediate release

Free litter picking packs to keep Charnwood clean and green!

Residents are being urged to help give Charnwood a spring clean and the borough council is offering free litter picking packs to help.

Charnwood Borough Council has a number of litter pickers, high-vis jackets, and litter bags to give away as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean which runs between March 25 and April 10.

The Council has also arranged for its waste partner Serco to pick up bags litter collected by local groups.

Cllr Leigh Harper-Davies, the Council’s lead member for waste, said: “We know residents are proud of Charnwood and want to keep it a clean and tidy place and therefore we want to support that amazing community effort.

“I’m delighted we can offer a number of litter-picking packs and would encourage people to come forward.

“Looking after the environment is one of the Council’s top priorities and almost every day, our waste partner Serco has teams out in the borough keeping our streets and parks free from litter.”

Litter pickers, high-vis jackets and bags will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis and people are being urged to get in touch with the Council as soon as possible.

There will be a limit of six equipment packs per groups, and the Council will also accept requests from individuals.

To request a litter picking kit, visit the Council website,

The Great British Spring Clean is back for its seventh year and Keep Britain Tidy’s message is simple, join its #BigBagChallenge and pledge to pick up as much litter as you can during the campaign.

Find out more, including top tips, at

If you are sharing your litter picking efforts on social media, use the hashtags #GBSpringClean #BigBagChallenge #CleanGreenCharnwood #SpringCleanCharnwood