Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

T&C pre submission NDP 2024

Appendix 1 Housing Needs Assessment

Appendix 2 Design Guide and Codes

Appendix 3 Environmental inventory 2024

Appendix 4 Local Green Spaces evidence base

Appendix 5 Non-designated Heritage Assets

Appendix 6 Views 2024

Thurcaston and Cropston Consultation Open Event March 2024

Statutory Consultation period 1st June 2024 – 13th July 2024

This six-week pre-submission consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan Review is the last time we will be asking people for comments before submitting the Plan to CBC.

You are now invited to read the Draft Plan and make comments prior to the document being finalised. All responses received by the tbc will be considered and may be utilised to amend the Draft Neighbourhood Plan Review. A Consultation Statement including a summary of all comments received and how these were considered will be made available along with the amended Neighbourhood Plan. Please note we will not accept responses that are anonymous and that comments may be made public.

If you wish to comment on the Draft Plan you can do this:

By email, to be addressed to:
In writing, addressed to: Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council, Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston. LE7 7JA
By using the Pre-Submission comments form

Only comments received by 13th July 2024 will be considered.

Where possible, please indicate to which part of the Neighbourhood Plan each comment relates.
If you would like to be kept updated on progress with the development of the Neighbourhood Plan Review please indicate here by deleting Yes or No as appropriate: